tirsdag den 21. februar 2012

Vacation at Patong beach

Hence to my graduation I went to Thailand, with my parents, and in general I love it. It is nice and warm all day and night, the people here are warm and welcoming - but...

Even though everything is great I feel like I am missing something. Here are all kinds of temptations, adventures, tours and everything, but all that is kind of vanishing hence to the lack of social activities with a person who ican enjoy these things with me. In this vacation I sometimes feel like I movef back into my parents house. They don't want to control me, but you know how it is with parents, they try to set rules and are worried. I just don't feel like playing cards in the room, going to bed early because I might risk the included breakfast etc. I feel caged even though I have all kinds of liberties. I miss someone to take with me on adventures like this, and because my girlfriend just had visited me in Europe for a short time ago, She could unfortunately not go with me. I think with her on my side here in Patong everything would have been perfect. I don't want to ruin the vacation for anyone, but my temper is growing on me and it feds me up to share a single room with my parents. I love them, but going from seeing them twice a month to be around them 24/7 is a bit harsh I must admit.

I miss my girlfriend, that's about it - or maybe a good friend who could have shared this experience/adventure with me.

What to do, what to do. I just feel weird, a bit ungrateful towards my parents.

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